Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three axioms of a viable worldwide revolutionary consensus

I. Every person born on Earth is an equal co-heir of the commonwealth of Earth.
II. No collective policy is legitimate unless it has the full consent and agreement of every person affected by it.
III. Voluntary cooperation for mutual benefit is the most efficient and satisfactory basis for all economic and social relations.


Революционные принципы, что все люди могут согласиться с:
Все люди, рожденные на Земли являются наследниками Содружества Земли.
Законы являются законными, только если они есть добровольное согласие каждого человека пострадавших от них.
Добровольного сотрудничества для общего блага является лучшим методом для всех социальных и экономических системах.

مبادئ الثورة في جميع أنحاء العالم
الأول : الكوكب ملك لجميع الناس على قدم المساواة
ثانيا : السلطة غير صالحة إلا بموافقة من المحكومين
ثالثا : تبرعات التعاون من اجل المنفعة المتبادلة هي أفضل طريقة لتنظيم المجتمع والاقتصاد

Αρχές της επαναστατικής παγκόσμια συναίνεση:
I. Όλα τα άτομα που γεννήθηκαν στη γη είναι ίση κληρονόμοι της Κοινοπολιτείας της Γης.
II. Αρχή είναι νόμιμες μόνον εάν έχει την πλήρη συναίνεση και συμφωνία όλων των προσώπων που επηρεάζονται από αυτό.
III. Εθελοντική συνεργασία προς αμοιβαίο όφελος είναι η πιο αποτελεσματική και ικανοποιητική βάση για όλες τις οικονομικές και κοινωνικές σχέσεις.

 עקרונות המהפכה כי כל בני האדם יכולים להסכים עם
כל האנשים שנולדו על כדור הארץ הם יורשים שווה של קהיליה של כדור הארץ
החוקים הם לגיטימיים רק אם יש להם את ההסכם מרצון של כל אדם מושפע מהם
שיתוף פעולה מרצון לטובת הכלל היא השיטה הטובה ביותר עבור כל המערכות החברתיות והכלכליות

Elementi širom svijeta revolucionarni konsenzus:
I. Svaki čovjek rođen na Zemlji jednak co-nasljednik planeta Zemlje.
II. Nema kolektivne politika je legitimna, osim ako ima punu suglasnost i dogovor svaku osobu oboljelu.
III. Dobrovoljna suradnja na obostranu korist je najučinkovitiji i zadovoljavajuća osnova za sve gospodarske i društvene odnose.

اصول انقلاب در سراسر جهان
اول : سیاره زمین به آن تعلق دارد به طور مساوی به همه مردم است
دوم : هیچ قانون معتبر است، مگر اینکه هر کس موافق است
سوم : همکاری داوطلبانه را در جهت منافع متقابل بهترین راه برای سازماندهی جامعه و اقتصاد است

Trois axiomes d'un consensus viable pour la révolution mondiale:
I. Toute personne née sur la planète Terre sont les héritiers égale des ressources de la planète Terre.
II. Autorité n'est légitime que si elle a le plein consentement et l'accord de toutes les personnes touchées par celle-ci.
III. La coopération volontaire pour un bénéfice mutuel est le système le plus efficace et satisfaisante pour toutes les relations économiques et sociales.

Tres axiomas de un consenso viable para la revolución mundial:
I. Toda persona nacida en la Tierra tiene iguales derechos de herencia de los recursos de la Tierra.
II. Nada política que es legítima a menos que tenga el pleno consentimiento y acuerdo de todas las personas afectadas por ella.
III. La cooperación voluntaria para el beneficio mutuo es la base más eficiente y satisfactoria para todas las relaciones económicas y sociales.

Drei Axiome der einen tragfähigen Konsens für die Weltrevolution:
I. Jede Person, die auf Planeten Erde geboren ist, ist berechtigt die Rechte der Vererbung auf dem Planeten und seinen Ressourcen.
II Keine gemeinsame Politik ist legitim, es sei denn, es hat die Zustimmung und Vereinbarung von jeder Person, die von ihr betroffen ist.
III. Die freiwillige Zusammenarbeit zum gegenseitigen Nutzen ist die effizienteste und zufriedenstellende Grundlage für alle wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Beziehungen.

Drie axioma's van een brede consensus voor de wereldrevolutie:
I. Elke persoon op aarde geboren is een gelijke mede-erfgenaam van het Gemenebest van de Aarde.
II. Geen collectieve beleid is legitiem, tenzij zij heeft de volledige instemming en toestemming van iedere persoon getroffen door haar.
III. Vrijwillige samenwerking tot wederzijds voordeel is de meest efficiënte en bevredigende basis voor alle economische en sociale verhoudingen.

Tre axiom för en bred enighet för världsomspännande revolution:
I. Varje person som är född på jorden är lika arvtagare till de jorden.
II. Socialpolitiken är inte legitimt om de inte har fulla samtycke och godkännande av alla berörda personer.
III. Frivilligt samarbete till ömsesidig nytta är det mest effektiva och tillfredsställande grund för alla ekonomiska och sociala relationer.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Seawater and sunlight

Here's a funny thing about the water shortage problem: water is the most abundant substance on Earth. More than 70% of the planet is covered by water thousands of feet deep.

Of course most of this is salt water.

Question: is there an economically feasible and environmentally friendly way to remove the salt from seawater and make it safe for human use?

Answer: Yes. Solar desalination appears to be the answer. Research over the last couple of decades has shown that it works.

One project found that a $500,000 plant could supply more than 5,000 liters of fresh water per day for an estimated cost of $0.02/liter: http://www.iit.edu/~ipro304es02/ResultsConcl.html

This price was considered prohibitively expensive in comparison with existing US municipal water rates, but design enhancements may improve efficiency, and a higher price for water still trumps dying of thirst.

The idea is a relatively simple one. Parabolic reflectors capture and concentrate sunlight that is used to heat seawater. The hot water is sprayed into the top of an "evaporator" or "cooling tower." Dry air is pumped up the tower as the water droplets fall down, evaporating the water. The water vapor flows into a condenser and the salt and other particulates fall to the bottom of the evaporator. See a basic schematic here: http://www.iit.edu/~ipro304es02/Create.html

Another type of solar powered desalination is the "membrane distillation" model. This plant may actually return surplus energy to the grid. See this pdf document for details: http://turl.stuff4world.com/?solar_desalination

The US is spending an estimated $250,000,000 per day on the war in Iraq. If we could divert just one day's outlay of Iraq war funds, we could finance the construction of 500 solar seawater desalination projects. What if we appropriate a week's Iraq funds? We could build desalination plants in coastal areas all over the planet and connect them to population centers with pipelines.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why don't we...?

We can feed, clothe, and house everyone on Earth with currently available technology. We can insure that every Earth Citizen has adequate medical care and education. We can accomplish all this without depriving anyone of the comforts of modern civilized life.

We live in an age of unprecedented abundance. We can build automated industries that can free us all from the need for daily toil. We can build high-rise solar-powered hydroponic food factories in the inner cities that can produce enough food to meet the needs of entire communities. We can build seawater desalinization plants and irrigate the deserts of the world into fertile farmlands. We can tap the virtually unlimited raw materials of the solar system and expand human living space by a factor of infinity.

Why don’t we?

Who is holding us back from a just, humane, ecologically sound society on Earth and a future among the stars? Why does an elite ruling class, less that 10% of Earth’s population, own and control more than 90% of Earth’s resources -- the common inheritance of all sentient beings? Why are they wasting our wealth on military madness while billions of us suffer for want of the necessities of life?

We can create a better life for all Earth citizens.

Why don’t we?